Sometimes at The Innovation Storytellers Show we get big-thinking guests. Folks who force us to step back, take a breath, and ask, “What are we doing?” and more importantly, “Why are we doing it?” Brian Solis, an innovator and futurist at places like ServiceNow, Salesforce, Dodge, Mansfield, and The Altimeter Group, [not to mention a few startups he founded], joined me to talk about the WHY as we head into the future of AI and beyond.
I have been dying to have Brian on my podcast for 2 years now as I’m a huge fan of his eight books like The End of Business as Usual and X: When Experience Meets Design. His books have been a navigating guide for me, not just of the big waves and trends in innovation but the nuances as well.
In our conversation, I remembered what it was like in 1998 to be translating the internet and Web 1.0 and its implications for the future. On the show, we reminisced about those times and how this time in AI feels like a new tsunami.
Are you feeling the AI waves lift you or swallow you?
What I liked most about our conversation was discussing how we’ll need to hold onto our humanity as we start to use these tools regularly, and, as intended, they start to feel like extensions of our own selves. His last book out in 2019, Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life, seemed like a prescient primer on how we’ll navigate this new undulation into the future.
I hope you’ll listen to this amazing episode and share your comments on how you’re designing the HUMAN/AI relationship at work.
If you’re like ALL my clients, you’re being asked for AI strategies for 2024 and beyond.
My question is, how will you tell the STORY behind this new strategy that gets everyone onboard, help them to overcome their fears, and dive into future bravely with the optimism we all felt back in Internet 1.0?
Here to help with your team’s story, if you need it.