Who are the people who inspire you? Who guides you? Who mentors and enlightens you?

More importantly, who do you trust to guide you through the innovation path into the future?

That’s why we’re talking about Trust as the theme kicking off a new 4-part podcast series of The Innovation Storytellers Show in conjunction with the Institute for Innovation at Large Organizations (ILO). Short but intense, 30-minute discussions on the values that guide and terrify us in innovation.

But I couldn’t do it alone. I’m lucky. I met Peter Temes, CEO and Founder of the ILO Institute in the middle of the pandemic. I was tracking “Corona-vation” and how we were all adapting. Peter was leading the nation’s top corporate innovators how to get through it and think beyond Covid-19. Peter is a teacher and storyteller first, innovation researcher, trend spotter and leader of innovators as a close second. Harvard Professor, 3 master’s degrees from Columbia, founder of Enterprise Interactive, and as trusted advisor to organizations like Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Microsoft, Disney, EY, Pfizer, and GM’s Autonomous Vehicles group, clearly, I’m not the only one.

He is the person I trust most with understanding how breakthrough ideas that ACTUALLY make their way to their finish line – moonshot, market entry, prototype, or even failure. But most of all, I trust Peter to share how storytelling and innovation are like bread and butter– you can’t have one without the other.

Join us for a deep, funny, and spirited story-filled conversation about the emotional elements that drive [and sometimes kill] innovation.

Trust me, you will want to replay them for your teams.