I read that quote this morning and wanted to puke šŸ¤®.

Itā€™s Mark Cubanā€™s popular refrain in Shark Tank. That was my bodyā€™s first reaction because I had puked before while toiling away on my first business, Lotus Public Relations. In 2002, as a first-time entrepreneur, I worked out of my 500 sq. foot, 5th floor walkup apartment in NYC with one goal: to hit $1M in revenue within three years. I was off to the races but terrified I could lose my clients, team, and my edge ā€“ great storytelling to the mediaā€™s best storytellers ā€“at any time.

Iā€™d heard ā€œgrind languageā€ like that before. Before working on Innovation Storytellers, I had a career in public health. I had gotten that message from Dr. Sheldon Jacobson. ā€œDr. Jā€ was my boss, the Head of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai in NYC, the Father of the NYC EMS Paramedic Program, and one of the architects of the modern-day Emergency Medicine.

Dr. J was indefatigable. After a tough week in the ER, heā€™d say, ā€œLindner, why so tired? Cā€™mon, you can rest in the box.ā€

After losing my first client, I found myself back in Dr. Jā€™s ER. After 6 days of chest pains, I was on a gurney with EKG lines attached. He strolled in, shocked to see me.

ā€œLindner, I donā€™t know what kind of work youā€™re doing now but cut it out. Itā€™s killing you.ā€

ā€œSo much for resting the box, huh?ā€ I took a vacation and went right back to hustle culture.

I remained a workaholic for 6 more years, well past the big goal, big clients, and ever-growing team. I thought if I took my foot off the accelerator, the ideas would stop coming, and the clients, too. But I know better now. I get the brain science of success addiction and its by-products: the neglected friendships, crappy diets, and sleepless nights that accompany motivation by fear.

One study from Professor John Pencavel at Stanford University found that productivity per hour declines sharply when a person works more than 50 hours a week. After 55 hours, productivity drops so much that putting in any more hours would be pointless. And those who work up to 70 hours a week are only getting the same amount of work done as those who put in the 55 hours.

So back to Shark Tank, if 24/7 work by fear isnā€™t the message anymore, then what should replace it? If science shows that often less is more, then where is the balance?

How do you maintain a steady pace of forward progress and innovation?

Please comment below and let me know. Iā€™m [not actually] dying to hear your thoughts.