In this episode, I am going to take you on a fascinating journey into the subconscious realm of our minds, exploring the science of fluid thinking and subconscious success with renowned cognitive scientist Phillip Campbell. 

Phillip is not only an expert in cognitive science and an executive brain coach but also the author of the enlightening book “Brain Habits”. He is the CEO of enigmaFIT, a globally recognized brain coaching company that aids individuals in tapping into their subconscious minds to improve their innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. 

We will learn more about the four pillars of Phillip’s approach, notably the Controlling Attention Pillar and the Complex Problem-Solving Pillar. Phillip shares his expertise on the intersection of cognitive science, subconscious habits, and how we can harness these facets for personal growth and success. 

This conversation uncovers the intricacies of fluid thinking, a concept deeply intertwined with our capacity to adapt, innovate, and encounter novel problems. Phillip also sheds light on the neuroscience of midlife crisis and the shift in thinking patterns that can lead to transformative life decisions, explaining how such changes can literally recode our brains. 

For those curious about their own ability to focus and want to explore their level of distractibility, Phillip offers a complimentary Focused Thinking assessment. This tool provides powerful insights and sets the foundation for your personal journey toward enhanced subconscious success. 

Tune in and explore the science behind our subconscious success, learn about innovative thinking, and get ready to embark on a journey of personal growth. 

shaping our world. Join us to get a glimpse of a truly innovative startup using technology to make a dent in the world.

Name: Phillip Campbell
Title: Founder & CEO
Company: enigmaFIT

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Phillip Campbell is a cognitive scientist, executive brain coach, and CEO of enigmaFIT – a global brain coaching company. For the past 25 years, he has been coaching Fortune 500 executives and entrepreneurs in the USA, Europe, and Asia Pac. He has dedicated his career to understanding and leveraging the science behind how the brain processes information and how it rewires itself to enhance our ability to think differently, learn, and adapt.

Phillip is also the author of the recently released book; Brain Habits: The Science of Subconscious Success.