Every innovator’s goal is to create a product or service that can create an impact and transform people’s lives. For Nicolas Bry, Founder of Orange Startups & Intrapreneurs Studio, that journey starts with identifying problems in the market and seeing where your product or service can be used.

In this episode of Innovation Storytellers, Nicolas and I talk about how Orange Money became the go-to mobile finance service for over 50 million people in Africa, and how they were able to expand to the Middle East.

Nicolas also shares how their background in telco has helped them tap into the market and build a reputable brand for Orange Money.

Guest Details:

Name: Nicolas Bry
Title: Strategic and Open Innovation Booster
Company: Orange

Nicolas Bry is an International Innovation Executive, an expert in corporate innovation programs, and innovation labs, designing places where good innovation thrives. He currently helps the 20 innovation managers of Orange Africa to develop their projects locally.

Previously, he created several open innovation programs: innovation with employees (Orange Intrapreneurs Studio), innovation with consumers (Imagine with Orange), innovation with entrepreneurs (Orange African Toolbox). Consolidating this experience with the ones of 40 corporations, he wrote The Intrapreneurs’ Factory in 2019, a practical guide to leverage intrapreneurship for your company.

Nicolas is also a passionate speaker (TEDx) and a Masterclasses lecturer at Google Academy and Tech/Business Schools.